You’re looking for an exceptional setting to celebrate his/her birthday? Coolongalook invites your child to vent in the open air with his friends!
Adventure courses, Lasertag or Warrior Challenge. A full range of activities are proposed to ensure they spend an unforgettable day!
Our team organizes everything: cake, drinks, sweets and gift will be provided on the day of the event. Once the safety instructions are given, they will be free to carry out the activities autonomously under the supervision of adults in your group.
Un espace est privatisé pour partager le gâteau d’anniversaire (Gâteau au chocolat) avec des bougies, des boissons, un max de bonbons et 1 cadeau surprise pour votre enfant !
Closed shoes required , covering at least heels and toes (crocs, flip-flops, sandals are not permitted) and clothing suitable for outdoor activities.
Payment accepted: credit card, bank check, cash, ANCV, transfers/administrative money orders.
Présence d’un adulte dans le parc obligatoire pour les - de 18 ans. Sentiers balisés pour suivre l’évolution depuis le sol.